XIUM | Metal-based building material
Xium(金属系建築材料 エクシウム)
- アイジー工業 / IG KOGYO
創立50周年を迎えたアイジー工業とKEN OKUYAMA DESIGNが共同開発した同社のフラッグシップとなる新商品「Xium(エクシウム)」は素材そのものの質感や取付け方で表情が変化する新しい形状等による、内外装への新たな可能性を秘めた全く新しい金属系建築材料です。
IG Industry Co., Ltd. made an announcement on “Xium” today, as a new flagship product jointly developed with KEN OKUYAMA DESIGN, which starts selling in the year of its 50th anniversary.
Designed by KEN OKUYAMA DESIGN, “Xium” is a completely new metal-based building material with new possibilities for interior and exterior, whose expression changes depending on the texture of the material itself and how it is attached. The three-dimensional shape receives the sunlight that changes with time and season, and changes the luster and shade every moment, showing a rich expression.