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Nagasaki Inasayama Roapway


  • 長崎市 / Nagasaki City (Nagasaki Pref.)

平成23年11月1日、長崎ロープウェイのゴンドラがリニューアルしました。 KEN OKUYAMA DESIGNでは二機のゴンドラデザインと稲佐山のプロデュースを担当しました。


Nagasaki Ropeway gondola was renewed on January 31, 2011. We were involved design process for two gondolas and the presentation of Inasayama Mountain.

We carefully designed it so that people can enjoy Nagasaki’s panorama.
The windows facing the mountain side extend to a part of the ceiling and you can feel the opening sky and the Inasayama right in front of you. The windows extending horizontally on the city side allow you to admire the city view of Nagasaki. We used many natural materials in the interior and you can feel the warmth and the peace of mind in the wide panoramic view.
