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Massage Chair ‘OHCO M.8 & M.8 LE’

マッサージチェア 「OHCO M.8 & M.8 LE」

CES 2019 Innovations Honoree

European Product Design Award (ePDA) 2019 - Platinum Award / Silver Award

International Society of Furniture Designers (ISFD) 2019 - Pinnacle Award Finalist

  • FFL Massage Chair

米国FFL社が世界市場で販売する高級マッサージチェア”OHCO M.8 & M.8 LE”。本革張のステッチやメタルモールなどのディテールにも徹底的に拘ったフラッグシップモデルで、アプローチの為のフロントオープンドアを実現、カーデザインのノウハウを活かしたKODならではの画期的なデザインです。CES Innovation Award(2019)、ePDA Platinum Award/Silver Award(2019)、MUSE Gold Award(2020)を受賞、ISFD Pinnacle Awardファイナリストに選ばれるなど、市場でもデザイン業界でも高い評価を得ています。

▶OHCO M.8 & M.8 LE ブローシャ―




The OHCO M.8 & M.8 LE is a high-end massage chair sold by FFL in the U.S. on the global market. Flagship model that stuck thoroughly to details such as leather stitching and metal mall. It is an epoch-making design unique to KEN OKUYAMA DESIGN that realizes the front open door for the approach and makes use of the know-how of the car design. It has been highly evaluated in the market and in the design industry, including winning CES Innovation Award(2019), ePDA Platinum Award & Silver Award(2019), MUSE Gold Award(2020)and was selected as a finalist at ISFD Pinnacle Awards(2019)

▶OHCO M.8 & M.8 LE Brochure

▶Please visit the official website of the manufacturer

