Fukuoka Hotel Wedding Cooking and Confectionery School, Renovation Project
滋慶学園 福岡ホテル・ウェディング&製菓調理専門学校 改修計画
滋慶学園 福岡ホテル・ウェディング&製菓調理専門学校の改修計画です。1階エントランスロビーは、明るく開放的なデザインに生まれ変わり、奥の調理実習室まで見渡せる開放的に変貌。シャンデリアを取り払い、新しくファンを設置し、ホテルやカフェのような印象になりました。調理実習室も明るく、ストリーミング等にも適した空間と進化しました。
The renovation project of Jikei Fukuoka Hotel Wedding Cooking and Confectionery School.The first-floor entrance lobby has been transformed into a bright and open design, allowing a clear view of the cooking practice room at the back. The chandelier has been removed, and fans have been installed to create an ambiance similar to that of a hotel or café. The cooking practice room has been finished with bright wood, resulting in a practical and atmospheric space.
The fourth-floor lounge has undergone a major redesign with most of the walls removed. Foldable tables and stackable chairs have been introduced, allowing for a range of uses, including presentations throughout the space. An open kitchen and display shelves have been installed, facilitating tasting events and creating interaction between different departments. The building has been transformed to match the evolving hospitality, bridal, and café industries, making daily commutes to school something to look forward to.