KEN OKUYAMA DESIGNは、5/26(水) 付で南陽市(山形県)と旧「ハイジアパーク南陽」についての基本協定…
KEN OKUYAMA DESIGN signed a basic agreement with Nanyo City (Yamagata Prefecture) on May 26 (Wednesday) about …
山形県南陽市とKEN OKUYAMA DESIGN は、本日、同市が売却交渉を進めてきた 旧「ハイジアパーク南陽」につい…
Nanyo City, Yamagata Prefecture and KEN OKUYAMA DESIGN have signed a basic agreement today on the former ̶…
5月17日(月) 日本経済新聞・朝刊、若者に役立つ情報を伝えるコーナー「18歳プラス」に奥山のインタビュー記事『「未知の…
On May 17, Okuyama’s interview article “Broaden your perception” was published in the Nihon …
KEN OKUYAMA DESIGNがデザイン・制作・販売する「kode 57」がCAR GPAPHIC 2021年5月…
One on the Japanese popular car magazines “CAR GRAPHIC” May Issue features “Sports Car Trend…
「FRaU (@fraumagagine) 」5月号特集の「JAXURY 100」(*) にて、KEN OKUYAMA …
Cutlery “STILE (Urushi)” won the JAXURY 100 AWARDS, which was organized as a special event by the fashion maga…
KEN OKUYAMA DESIGN のスポーツカー「kode 7」(コード・セブン)を、鉄道車両や航空機を展示する茨城…
KEN OKUYAMA DESIGN’s sports car “kode 7” (kode Seven) was delivered to the Hirosawa City on …
『機動戦士ガンダム』など数々のロボット作品を生んだサンライズの新たなグループ会社SUNRISE BEYONDと、BAND…
Sunrise’s new group company SUNRISE BEYOND, which produced a number of robot works such as “Mobile…
KEN OKUYAMA DESIGN は、昨年9月に譲渡先公募プロポーザルで優先交渉権者に決定されておりました山形県南陽…
Ken OKUYAMA DESIGN explained a specific revitalization plan to nanyo city council on March 30 about the recrea…
Students from six design schools of the JIKEI Gakuen Group, where Okuyama serves as honorary school president,…
KEN OKUYAMA DESIGNがWEBサイトから学校案内までトータルでブランディングを手がける滋慶学園 東京ホテル…
The Jikei Gakuen Tokyo Hotel Wedding & IR College which KEN OKUYAMA DESIGN is in charge of total designing…