【対談】人にも環境にもサステナブルを目指すFUTAEDA(株)の代表 二枝たかはる氏による、建築家 隈研吾氏×弊社代表 …
【Special Talk】Mr. Takaharu Futaeda, the representative of FUTAEDA Co., Ltd., which aims to be sustainable for …
イギリス発祥のヴィンテージカー雑誌「オクタン日本版」に代表奥山のkode57ベルリネッタ について詳しく表現された記事が…
Octane Japan, a vintage car magazine originating from England, published an article in which Representative Ok…
MISUMI Corporation, which is developing new solutions for the manufacturing industry with its online machine p…
We have decided to revise our plan for “Shiki Nanyo” (former Hygea Park Nanyo), which we announced…
Ken Okuyama Cars(本社:山形県山形市 代表:奥山清行)は8月21日に北米ペブルビーチ・ コンクールデレガ…
Ken Okuyama Cars (Headquarters: Yamagata-shi, Yamagata, President: Kiyoyuki Okuyama) held the world premiere o…
『南陽を世界ブランドにする』 5月14日 山形県南陽市シェルターなんようホールにて、弊社代表 奥山(株式会社四季南陽代表…
‘Making Nanyo a global brand’ On 14 May, at the Nanyo City Shelter Nanyo Hall in Yamagata Prefect…
The 9th General Meeting of the Council for the Promotion of Education Nation, which was established by 170 Die…
Bvlgari watch “Octo”. Our representative Okuyama was selected as one of the 10 key persons who col…
4月7日、Osaka MetroはKEN OKUYAMA DESIGN がデザインを担当した御堂筋線、中央線主要駅のリニ…
On April 7, Osaka Metro announced the renewal design of the main stations on the Midosuji Line and Chuo Line, …
4月4日、KEN OKUYAMA DESIGNがトータルプロデュース・デザインを手がける温泉リゾート施設「四季南陽」の記…
April 4th, press conference about hot spring resort facility “Shiki Nanyo”, which is totally produced and desi…