The grand renewal of Shinsaibashi Station on the Midosuji Line designed by KOD, which was unveiled at an event…
山形県南陽市の白岩孝夫市長(現在3期目)が、 KEN OKUYAMA BRAND CENTERへご訪問くださいました。南…
Mr. Takao Shiraiwa, Mayor of Nanyo City, Yamagata Prefecture (as his third term), visited KEN OKUYAMA BRAND CE…
フェラーリと過ごすライフスタイル誌 SCUDERIA最新号:No.139 (発売日2022年12月27日) (出版社:ネ…
The latest issue of SCUDERIA which is a lifestyle magazine for spending time with Ferrari: No.139 (on sale Dec…
本日、ANAトラベラーズ主催の「TRAIN SUITE四季島ウェルカムパーティ」にて、弊社CEO奥山が登壇し、デザインの…
CEO Okuyama had a seminar with the TRAIN SUITE Shikishima Welcome Party hosted by ANA Travelers on the theme …
12/7-12/9、ヤマザキマザック株式会社 美濃加茂製作所/ワールドテクノロジーセンタにて開催中の『JIMTOF202…
CEO Kiyoyuki Okuyama had a special lecture on the theme of “Next Generation Manufacturing and DesignR…
昨日開催されたBVLGARI AVRORA AWARDS 2022に奥山が2016年受賞者のジャズピアニスト小川理子様の…
BVLGARI AVRORA AWARDS 2022 was held yesterday, CEO Kiyoyuki Okuyama walked on the golden carpet wearing a watc…
12月7日、Osaka Metroは新型車両400系の実車報道内覧会を行いました。同社CDO(チーフデザインオフィサー)…
On December 7th, Osaka Metro held a press preview of the new 400 series trains.Our company representative Okuy…