12/7-12/9、ヤマザキマザック株式会社 美濃加茂製作所/ワールドテクノロジーセンタにて開催中の『JIMTOF2022 アンコールフェア』にて、弊社代表奥山が「次世代のものづくりとデザイン」-多品種少量生産の時代に向けて- をテーマに特別講演を行いました。
CEO Kiyoyuki Okuyama had a special lecture on the theme of “Next Generation Manufacturing and Design” – Toward the era of high-mix low-volume production – at the “JIMTOF2022 Encore Fair” being held at the Minokamo Works/World Technology Center of Yamazaki Mazak Corporation on 12/8. At the fair, many state-of-the-art machine tools and laser cutting machines were exhibited, and next-generation CNC equipment, hands-on operation of the latest software, and a new smart factory utilizing IoT technology were introduced.