5月17日(月) 日本経済新聞・朝刊、若者に役立つ情報を伝えるコーナー「18歳プラス」に奥山のインタビュー記事『「未知の自分」探そう』が掲載されました。コロナ禍で日本の若者の内向き志向が強まることへの危機感と、あえて留学する意義や効用について自身の留学経験とあわせて語り若者へ激励のメッセージを送っています。
On May 17, Okuyama’s interview article “Broaden your perception” was published in the Nihon Keizai Shimbun morning edition, a corner “18-year-old plus” that conveys useful information to young people. As young people become more in-minded due to the corona disaster, Okuyama talks about the significance and benefits of studying abroad together with his own study abroad experience and send his message of encouragement to young people.