この度KOD グラフィックチームにて青山学院駅伝チームのロゴをデザインいたしました。青学駅伝チームのロゴは、仲間同士の絆の強さとチームの結束力を表現するため、イニシャル「A」をダイナミックな造形として描き、そこに選手たちが繋いでいくタスキと力強く走る姿を融合させました。青学駅伝チームならではの伝統と独自性が際立つ洗練されたロゴデザインに仕上げました。
KOD graphic team has designed the logo for the Aoyama Gakuin Ekiden team. The logo dipicts the dynamic shape of the initial “A” to express the strength of the bond between the team members and the cohesiveness of the team. The logo design is a sophisticated one that highlights the tradition and uniqueness or novelty to the Aogaku Ekiden team.
The Osaka Metro Chuo Line between Cosmosquare and Yumeshima is extended for the Osaka Expo, and “Yumeshi…
Ken Okuyama CARS Reunion 2024 を11/30(土)に開催いたしました。Kode9,Kode5…
Ken Okuyama CARS Reunion 2024 was held on 11/30(Fri) . The event was a great success with all Kode9, Kode57, a…
Updated KOD site…
We strongly support the growth of our clients through outstanding product design, effective branding and promotion strategies, and management consulting from a design perspective.
We also produce products in collaboration with traditional Japanese crafts and develop limited-edition one-off cars.